Home » Tales » Commémoro 1915/18 – Tale of Gianpiero Delmati

Commémoro 1915/18 – Tale of Gianpiero Delmati

Commémoro – 1915/18

In the eyes smiling face –

"Posta …" Shouted Sergeant while, walking, trying to shake the mud from his boots surmounted by wings. The trench was semi flooded by strong rain and flying the night of that day in November 1917. The cry of the NCO, formed a group of Fanti a circle around the bearer of the news. "Carloni, Bianchi,Bottazzi,Calò, Pianu, Beretta …finished! There is no other ". The letters were dropped by the soldiers almost snatching them from the hands of the upper. Some appartarono. Antonio chiese al suo Capellano di leggere per lui … others opened the envelope with trembling there on site. the soldier Rodolfo, nicknamed "Viewfinder", distanced himself from the group and, supporting the still wet behind a wall of the trench near the ladder that was used to exit the bayonet assault, aprì the Busta … and read: Bergamo, 30 September 1917. Dear Rodolfo Amato, I want to tell you this that I'm fine, so I hope you. And' more a month that I do not get your news. Write! The child in me that I, began to move. I hear it often during the day and, sometimes, even at night. will see a beautiful baby and look like his father. – A smile crossed the face of the soldier – My mother says that it will be male (She has had six children), I hope so. And' what you wanted. When you give a few days of license? I desire to see you and hug you. Rodolfo, mi manchi! Why is that this damn war does not end? why is that many men must die? It is not that's right. are now six months you're away, when torni? I think of you every day, Our Lady and pray because protect you. Your father says it is a bad war and, according to him, will not end soon. I hope you're wrong. And how are you? eat? Do not export too, do not be crazy head, I know you. Do you think that when you come back the family will be increased and brighten a child days. Now I salute you and I send you a big kiss. Always keep with you the medal of the Virgin Mary, located in the envelope because will protect you. Write. I love you,. Virginia." Two acidic tears came to rest on the script and the halo spotted there where he had written the word "child". Rodolfo bent the paper carefully and put it back in the envelope by putting, and then, in the pocket of his coat, the left one on the heart. He heard the voice of the sergeant who called him. He hurried. "Mirino" -he said confidentially graduated -" We inform you that you earned a promotion to Corporal, about your courageous behavior you have shown in the last assault. We will call Mr.. Lieutenant. " And he went shaking his boots at every step. "Mirino", some; nicknamed him so those of his platoon because All times coming out of the trench, both patrol and for the assault, before getting the damn ladder, Always stroking his rifle scope 91: "Good luck", said. The mud of the trenches made heavy boots and live in unhealthy, ma era la guerra. La noitizia del Sergente lo aveva compiaciuto e l'avrebbe comunicata alla moglie appena possibile. But now his mind was between the lines that Virginia had sent. A child! He had so desired. He liked the idea of ​​being a father accarrezzare. And the sweetness of Virginia, his questions, observations showed through a dedicated love, a maternal feeling deep. Theirs was a true love and passion acute… were made for the other. Yup This soldier Rodolfo, Corporal soon, was convinced. And here is, while his mind was immersed in these thoughts, the whistle Officer issued a sound. The match was for the assault. The signal of the bayonet, the signal of the deadly barbed wire where the enemy machine guns mowed men like a reaper mowing ripe corn. Another carnage was next. The Knave Rodolfo came to the lineup and, before owning the rungs, accarrezzò the sight of his 91 and launched onslaught coming out of the trench … the smiling face in the eyes of Virginia.

Gianpiero Delmati

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Commenti (5)

  1. maximum donated he said,it:

    Bravo v.direttore,one perceives the adult soul poet and also lived…but,credo,the artist is hidden,more or less,in someone Us……


  2. Alessandra Ghidoli he said,it:

    Gentile signor Delmati, My family is originally from Milan and has lived for a period in the Palazzo di via Brisa since my great-grandmother, Amalia Beretta in Ghidoli, was the daughter of Isabella Delmati who had to marry this Giovanni Beretta. The Palace was visited during the last to war and shortly before its destruction by my father, young lieutenant, that passing through Milan had gone to greet relatives and Peverelli Redaelli and had wanted to see the former family home. Palace and on Radeztky were told several anecdotes in the house and if Isabella was called Delmati “Austrian l'” for his friendship with General, Giovanni Beretta seems to have had contacts with Cernuschi, Cattaneo etc.. and he is said to have taken advantage of the proximity to Radetzky carpirgli information. Recently I then retrieved Archive of Milan State the will of Isabella Delmati that gave me the confirmation of his residence in the palace in Via Brisa, where it is also the time of death. Said this, I would ask if you by any chance have some pictures or other documentation on the historic building because after having heard so much about in the family I would really be able to know more and maybe see how it was done.
    Thanks anyway, and many warm greetings
    Alessandra Ghidoli

  3. gianpiero he said,it:

    Dear Alessandra Ghidoli, I responded by sending an e-mail to his address.
    Gianpiero Delmati

    • Alessandra Ghidoli he said,it:

      Buongiorno Giampiero, sono Alessandra Ghidoli e Le scrissi anni fa per chiederLe notizie e ogni possibile documentazione su Isabella Delmati, mia ava, e il Palazzo di via Brisa dove abitò con il coniuge Ghidoli e i loro figli. Purtroppo ho successivamente perso la posta e dunque anche la sua email e mi chiedo ora se Lei non ne abbia conservato copia e possa inviarmela di nuovoè cosa fattibile?
      La ringrazio in ogni caso dell’attenzione e Le invio i saluti più cordiali

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